Daytona Beach Fake ID Attorney Kevin J. Pitts

It is common for young adults and juveniles under 21 to use someone else’s or a fake ID to enter a club, bar or other events limited to individuals over 21. This can be done by purchasing or making their own driver’s license or identification card with an altered or forged date of birth or use the driver’s license or identification card belonging to a sibling, friend or random person over the age of 21 who they resemble. While this might appear to be something “everyone is doing,” that doesn’t mean that such actions aren’t against the law. What might come as a surprise is that in Florida having a fake ID can result in felony charges. Daytona Beach fake ID attorney Kevin J. Pitts has summarized the laws in Florida relating to possession of a Fake ID below:

Daytona Beach Unauthorized Possession of a Driver’s License or ID Card

It is a third degree felony in Florida for a person to have in their possession a driver’s license or identification card that is stolen, fake, counterfeit, forced, fraudulent or unlawfully issued. A third degree felony is punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5000 fine. In addition, you may be subject to a disciplinary hearing at your school, even if the crime occurred off campus. While felony conviction is unlikely for a fake ID charge if it was to occur the individual would be unable to own a firearm, unable to vote and would have to register as a convicted felon. Any person who has been convicted of a felony in any court of this state shall, within 48 hours after entering any county in this state, register with the sheriff of said county, be fingerprinted and photographed, and list the crime for which convicted, place of conviction, sentence imposed, if any, name, aliases, if any, address, and occupation. While this is unlikely it demonstrates how serious possessing a fake ID in Volusia County can be.

Other Related Fake ID Laws in Florida

It is a second degree misdemeanor crime in Florida to use someone else’s driver’s license or state issued identification card. This crime is punishable by a $500 fine, 60 days in jail, and possibly a one year driver’s license suspension.
It is a second degree misdemeanor crime in Florida to let another person borrow your driver’s license or state issued identification card. This crime is punishable by a $500 fine, 60 days in jail, and possibly a one year driver’s license suspension.
It is a first degree misdemeanor in Florida to identify yourself to a police officer with a fake or false driver’s license or identification card. This crime is punishable by a $1000 fine and up to one year in prison. This is commonly charged in Daytona Beach as resisting without violence or Daytona Beach obstruction by disguise.
If you or your child has been charged with violating any of Florida’s laws relating to a fake ID it is important to take these charges seriously and hire a Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney. A conviction of these offenses can cause a permanent criminal record even if the charge is reduced to a misdemeanor. You could have legal defenses and you could be eligible for one of many diversion programs to avoid a lifelong criminal record. Daytona Beach fake ID attorney Kevin J. Pitts is a former Daytona Beach prosecutor who has prosecuted and defended fake ID charges in Volusia County. We have offices in Daytona Beach, Sanford and Mount Dora. Call our Daytona Beach office today at 386-451-5112 to set up a free consultation.